Menopause as one of the most common clinical presentations in women's health

Menopause is a burden for female patients and a common important presentation in healthcare general practice. Menopause is a medical condition not only to be managed medically but resources of supporting for the female patients with menopause is essential



Menopause is a burden for female patients and a common important presentation in healthcare general practice. Menopause is a medical condition not only to be managed medically but resources of supporting for the female patients with menopause is essential.




Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop from releasing eggs for fertilization which would lead to the loss of the ovarian follicular function. The menopause naturally and generally occurs for females in between the age of 45 to 55 years old. Menopause would be determined when there is no menstrual cycles for after 12 consecutive months with the absence of any pathological and/ or physiological reasons. However, there are sometimes early menopause referred to as premature menopause due to chromosomal abnormalities, autoimmune diseases or other unknown reasons. Premature menopause can occur also due to surgical procedures or medical interventions that would lead to cessation of the ovarian function for instance hysterectomy and other examples as well (WHO, 2022).
Menopause is challenging and a public health concern. Females yet unfortunately in some countries do not have accessibility into supporting resources. Perimenopausal patients need access into variable high quality services to get adequate support (WHO, 2022).
In addition to the clinical presentation also investigations like blood tests for FSH, estradiol, and thyroid hormones can be done to confirm the diagnosis of menopause (WebMD, 2023).
In addition to the lifestyle changes recommendations also the treatment intervention can be HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), topical hormonal therapy and/ or medications like paroxetine or gabapentin. The vitamin D supplementation is recommended as well (WebMD, 2023).


This work was completed in partial fulfillment of a PgDip in Family Medicine course with Learna, validated by the University of Buckingham.


- WHO (World Health Organization), 17th October 2022. Menopause. [Online]. Available at: Accessed on: 12th November 2023.
- WebMD, 31st March 2023. Menopause. [Online]. Available at: Accessed on: 12th November 2023.



Anas Malik Radif Alubaidi, MBChB, MSc, PgDip, Prof Dip Paeds(RCPI), CCHW, FRSPH, NCET, NCPT

*Bachelor of Medicine and General Surgery/ Baghdad University

*Master of Science in Public Health/ University of South Wales

*Postgraduate Diploma Degree in Acute Medicine/ University of South Wales

*Postgraduate Diploma Degree in Care of the Elderly/ University of Wales Trinity Saint David

*Professional diploma in Pediatrics/ Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

*Nevada Board Certified Community Health Worker

*Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health

*National Certified ECG Technician

*National Certified Phlebotomy Technician

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