Silicon Valley . Series

SILICON VALLEY is a series produced by HBO MAX that I love. It is a very niche series, as it deals with the technological world and large companies and million-dollar investments, all packed with hilarious humor.

It is a series that parodies the crazy technological world. It was created by writers Mike Judge, John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky. The plot follows the character of Richard Hendricks, a programmer who tries to gain a foothold in the competitive Silicon Valley with his invention Pied Piper. Among the protagonists are Thomas Middleditch, who plays the main character Richard, and comedian T.J. Miller, who plays Erlich Bachman, the eccentric owner of the business incubator. Imagine a roller coaster of codes, venture capital, million-dollar investments and many, many server failures!


The success of this series lies partly in its characters, both the main ones and the secondary ones, all excellently constructed and performed, the cast is really the best, all the characters - although exaggerated or crazy - are credible and fabulous.

Another important point, the situations, everything that happens has real and possible bases, although they are exaggerated for the series. They also take a large number of real names, perfectly integrating the fiction of the series into the real world.


Summary of the 6 Seasons
The series has a great rhythm, even though its episodes are half an hour long, in each one a number of situations occur, many things happen, and nothing is free. It really is delightfully written and directed. Here is the summary of each season:

Season 1 (2014):
Richard develops a revolutionary algorithm for a new music website. His life changes when two investors want to buy his work, leading him to found his own company, Pied Piper.

Season 2 (2015):
Pied Piper faces legal and financial challenges that threaten its existence, as Richard and his team fight to keep their company afloat and their product intact.

Season 3 (2016):
With a new CEO at the helm, Pied Piper struggles to adapt to its growing success and market expectations, while Richard seeks to regain control of his creation.

Season 4 (2017):
The team embarks on a new video-chat project called PiperChat, but tensions arise when Richard decides to pursue a new technological direction.

Season 5 (2018):
Pied Piper now has the resources to expand, but faces new challenges in scaling its technology and maintaining its company culture.

Season 6 (2019):
In its latest season, Pied Piper has established itself as a legitimate company, but must learn to stay true to its principles in a world where ethics are often compromised.

Gilfoyle's AI Robot Skynet Phobia
One of the featured characters is Gilfoyle, a highly skilled programmer who is allied with Richard and whose religion is Satanism. Gilfoyle has a great fear of Artificial Intelligence, since he fears that it will get out of control and dominate humanity. The following video summarizes all the scenes related to this topic and which are truly hilarious. ha ha ha

Theme song
The musical theme with which the series begins is very characteristic, and is quickly identified even though it is only heard for a few seconds. Listen to it in full below:

I hope you liked this special. Leave your comments about the series if you have seen it, and if you have not and have read it, tell us if it catches your attention and you would like to see it. Greetings and success friends!!!


cristofer gonzalez

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