A world without insects, would it be a catastrophe?

What would happen if the world's insects disappeared?

In this world there are many insects, they are everywhere and on certain occasions they become a plague for our plants or our homes, it is also very difficult to fight against them.

Despite seeming like a nuisance, all of them are necessary for our planet, even cockroaches, just as you read it, even that not pretty insect that is getting into everywhere and that has put more than one nerve on edge when they fly .

So what would happen if the world's insects disappeared? Well, it would be chaos, the entire balance of the planet would be lost, we would be left without food, both human beings and animals.

Most farmers use insecticides to avoid pests, this would lead one to think that if the insects were extinguished it would be better for them, but the reality is different, insects are vital for plants because they pollinate.

Without any insects capable of pollinating, we would be left without food and, although it is a bit rare, some people also eat insects such as crickets and scorpions, so you would lose a food source that has been used for years and has been maintained until the present .

Animals like reptiles, birds, and amphibians would also be left without their main food source, so a tragic end awaited them. Everything is like a chain, everything is intertwined, if insects become extinct, endless animals important to our planet would be left without food, such as birds that transport plant seeds to other places.

They are also economically important, without the insects a great source of income would be lost and would cause unemployment, imagine the loss that the farmers would have, in addition to the fact that many people would lose their jobs and those who sell insects for food would be left without income.

This does not end there, likewise the honey would be lost, leaving beekeepers unemployed. The silk that is manufactured using silkworms would be lost, leaving the people dedicated to the reproduction of the insect and silk production unemployed, this fabric has been manufactured for decades, an important part of the history of silk would be lost.

Insects also help us clean, insects feed on corpses and dead plants, producing essential organic fertilizer for plants.

All plants need insects, not only for polarization, but also to help clean the soil and provide it with the necessary nutrients to grow. A world without insects would bring problems not only for human beings, but for life in general.

Our planet is perfect, everything is made to measure, if something disappears, it harms another, we are a system, everything is linked and we need each other to survive.

It would be selfish on the part of the human race not to realize how indispensable all life on the planet is.

Insecticides, pollution and habitat invasion kill insects, and as we have seen, despite their size, they make a huge difference in our lives.

When we come across insects, we must remember that we are invading their habitat, they are looking for a way to survive with this new form of life that we are creating. So you have to take care and protect the insects !

I hope you liked this article. Bye bye!



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