No Rewind

No rewind in real life, choose to be happy everyday

Yeah, Life is so unfair, on the other hand, being unfair is fair.. why? I gonna give an example for you to clearly understand. that person is very rich but not happy in some instances of lack of love , no family, love life any intangible thing that money can't buy.. how about those smart, intelligent but not gifted in their physical appearances. those people have perfect body , beautiful faces but don't have brains? see? be grateful for the little that you have, the big blessings that you've received bcoz someone are praying, hoping to be in your place right now. Life is so hard, too painful, life is all about surviving. however, we rather choose to be happy and protect your peace at all cost. always remember NEVER STOP LEARNING BCOZ LIFE NEVER STOP TEACHING. 

Ria Mariel Udtojan

1 Blog posts

Marcelo Orlando 8 w

Boa tarde

Marcelo Orlando 9 w

Sim a felicidade é um momento unico e temos que saber aproveitar

Galeto 10 w


KangMas Keluarga Samara 15 w

Nice sharing sis