Climate Change

This article is all about climate change.

Climate change or we call it in tagalog climate change. Climate change is the abnormal change of the weather. This may be an increase or decrease in the influx of rainwater in an area. Or it may be a change in the average temperature of a place for a month or season. According to experts, the world's climate is constantly changing. In their study, global temperatures have risen by almost 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. It may seem small, but it can have a huge impact on change around the world. Base in my research there is a cause of climate change. One of example is the population growth. As the population grows, the more Carbon Dioxide is released into our environment. And this will result in an increase in temperature. Another cause of climate change is the fumes from our vehicles that we used for our transportation. The car or the vehicles uses a fuel to operate. It releases Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides and others that can be harmful to our ozone layer. According to what I have read about climate change it has many effects just like the constant rising of temperature. We are more likely to experience extreme heat caused by rising temperatures. It also includes the influx of many storms. Due to the extreme heat, the precipitation changes, there are areas where the rainfall will weaken and there are also areas where the storm will hit. We will also experience severe drought or what we call it El Niño. Rising global temperatures cause a shortage of water on the surface of the earth so it results cracks. We can’t control the climate change, but there are ways to prevent it. For example, supporting or participating in climate change issues so that we know what climate change is and how we can prevent it. Another is to be a responsible citizen and not to burn plastics instead we can recycle it. Because burning plastic has a detrimental effect on our environment especially on our ozone layer.

Danbenito Bibiano

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