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Endless wisdom of Goddess

In the whispers of the wind and the depths of the sea,
Resides the endless wisdom of the Goddess, wild and free.
In every leaf that rustles and every bird that sings,
Her ancient knowledge echoes through all living things.

In the cycles of the moon, her presence is felt,
Guiding us through darkness, where mysteries dwelt.
In the ebb and flow of tides, she teaches us to trust,
In the rhythm of life, where she resides, august.

She is the keeper of secrets, the guardian of the night,
Her wisdom shining bright in the stars' gentle light.
In the silence of the forest and the vastness of the sky,
Her wisdom whispers softly, never asking why.

She holds the keys to the universe, in her hands,
Guiding us through the unknown, across distant lands.
In her boundless love, we find solace and peace,
In the endless wisdom of the Goddess, never to cease.