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Fundraising for the victims in Rio Grande do Sul https://steunactie.nl/actie/he....lp-the-people-animal (page in Dutch, English and Portugese).

Your help is desperately needed for the people & animals in Rio Grande do Sul who have lost everything due to the devastating flood.

More than 100 people died, 178 missing and more than 163,000 people homeless. Homes, hospitals, shops and businesses are completely flooded or destroyed!

Your donation helps us to provide immediate emergency assistance. By collecting and distributing clothing, water, food, medicine, tents, sleeping bags, diapers, everything that is most crucial now.

Can we support the local people & animals, shelter locations, hospitals, animal shelters, veterinarians, charities and associations.

Sharing is power! Share our campaign on social media, in your network, everywhere you can. Together we can form a force of solidarity that is stronger than this disaster.

Let us make a lasting impact together. Don't abandon the people and animals in Rio Grande do Sul. Your support is their hope!