Zsanett Kópis    paylaştı  mesaj
3 w

Attention, do not Spam! If you don't know what spam is, read it!⚠️⤵️

Zsanett Kópis    duygu olduğunu Sevilen
12 w
What is spam ?

Spam is when only emoticons (💙🤣🥹) or only numbers and letters are shared per post! Spam is also avoided if not only a picture is shared! However, the rules do not only apply to posts, but also to comments.

Not surprisingly, spam affects many people, since for many users, money is the main reason they are here. However, it doesn't hurt to know that profiles that contain a lot of #spam posts will be banned!

In order to avoid spam, create posts that you would like to read and comment on!
Priandori Support Support You are the key to the future! 💙
#everyone #rules #nospam #zsanettka02 #guidelines #priandori