Yorge Graterol  shared a  post
43 w


We've recently launched a new group where users can share their payout experiences: https://priandori.com/priandoripayout

✅ Only genuine, ORIGINAL content:

Your own images depicting your daily life
Original ideas or textual opinions
Images created by you, like artwork
✅ Reasonable posts that contribute value:

Your ideas, skills, hobbies, or opinions on various topics
Posts intended for genuine interaction, not random copy-pasted text or questions aimed at exploiting the earning system
✅ Real likes/reactions on posts that you've genuinely read and understood

✅ Payment for likes/reactions on videos only if you've actually watched them

✅ Genuine comments with at least four words, directly related to the post

✅ Legitimate referrals: Users invited to Priandori must be real accounts, active for a few days at least, or currently active

❌ Users violating our rules by spamming

❌ Blind likes/reactions on posts without actually reading them, simply by scrolling and liking hastily

❌ Liking/reacting to videos without WATCHING them

❌ Posting random images from Google or elsewhere with quotes or any content not created by you, aimed solely at exploiting the point system

❌ Payment for links or product promotions on profiles; these are allowed only in groups and for genuine purposes, not spamming

❌ Fake or inactive referrals that were active for only a few minutes upon signup and then remained inactive for the past four weeks; we do not compensate for such referrals and will deduct them from the total amount

❌ Posting pending statuses or comments that violate our rules instead of being patient and waiting for the default period


❌ Spam comments like "nice," "good," "ok," or meaningless combinations of letters or icons

❌ Posting nonsensical content such as ****ography or criminal activity, or sharing only links

❌ Blind likes on posts or videos that you clearly haven't engaged with, simply scrolling past and liking indiscriminately

#rules #monetization #earningprogram #rules #makemoney #termsofuse #bereal #originalcontent #realinteraction #makefriends #priandori