You borrowed your friend R3000 last year and since then she has refused to pay you back, which has really deteriorated your friendship. You asked her to just pay R1000 and forget the rest because you are in a financial crisis.
Your friend then says she can only get you R500 since that is all she has. You felt like you had no other option but to accept it, so you eventually gave her your account details to send the amount directly to your bank.
You woke up the next morning, checked your account, and you had R5000 in it! You kept staring at the screen in disbelief but it was indeed R5000…
You grabbed your phone and found 73 missed calls from your friend and an additional 37 text messages begging you to transfer back R4,500 since she only meant to send you R500 and mistakenly added an extra 0.
What you gonna do friends?
1. Send back R4500
2. Take your full R3000
3. Keep the entire R5000