Live Good is an American Company founded in Florida in December 2022 at the moment the Company has 1090000 active members.It has 8 types of compensation:

For each person who you refer to LiveGood who becomes a member and an affiliate for $49.95, we will reward you with a $25 commission paid out the very next week!
Plus, if any of the people you enroll choose to enroll others, not only will they be rewarded, but you will also receive additional bonus commissions up to 10 levels deep.
Weekly Fast Start Commissions are paid out on the first month’s membership and on the $40.00 affiliate sign up fee. So you will receive $5 for any new members that you refer, plus $20 for any new affiliates you refer. Since many people join as both a member AND an affiliate, you will receive BOTH of those amounts for a total of $25 paid out the very next week!

When you lock in your position in LiveGood, you are given your own business center in our fast filling 2x15 Matrix! As more people join LiveGood every week, they are placed in the matrix UNDER everyone who is already in there, following their enroller. So the sooner you lock in your position, the higher your position will be in the matrix.
All percentages are based on monthly $9.95 membership fees. Commissions for Members who join at the yearly option will be paid out over 12 months as $9.95 per month.
Matrix Commissions and Matching Bonuses are paid Monthly the first week of each month for the previous month's Matrix volume. Remember, the first month's Membership is paid out in Fast Start Commissions only. So Matrix volume starts to accumulate on Members' second month Membership and beyond.
Reserve your place ⬇️today and you can join later

These are the first 2🤗🙏 #livegood @everyone


