Project FEMMYcide

€4.5 Levantado de €250

Project FEMMYcide

Welcome to project FEMMYcide, which helps and assists victims, survivors, relatives and loved ones of cases of femicide, stalking and sexual violence in their search for justice and more rights. Originated from my own experiences and loss. The gruesome and very violent murder of my life partner Emmy on July 31, 2020. A victim of femicide.

We stand for change in current laws and regulations. That victims, surviving relatives and loved ones are better protected and helped, and not just the perpetrators. The victims, family members and loved ones have been in the cold long enough. Help us realize these changes and make the world a safer place.

Become a donor/ambassador and support our project with a donation and/or share our campaign in your network and social. For more information about our mission visit our website Let's open the eyes of Lady Justice and the world together! Our promotion video for the campaign:

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Thomas Bach

€4.5 ·

€4.5 Levantado de €250