
€0 أثارت من €1600


My name is Mário and I am 13 years old due to a muscle disease.
My sister Majácska was born on 02.07.2020. Everything was fine with him until now. He was perfectly healthy. Now, a month ago, we noticed that he has balance problems, he has fallen several times and was shaking. My mother took him for various tests, but they could not accurately identify the problem and he could no longer walk. Because of my muscle disease, my mother takes me to the fire department street clinic every month for rehabilitation. They finally offered a helping hand at the fire department street clinic and he got an appointment a week later. The first examination revealed an 8 cm tumor next to Majácska's accessory kidney. It is likely that he has a bad temper. Majácska was operated on and is currently in the intensive care unit. We will have to wait for the histology results to be sure. They are expected to spend several months here. Chemotherapy etc. Unfortunately, my father can't work now because my mother is in the hospital with my sister, my father takes care of the things at home, he takes me to school and my younger brother to kindergarten, because I also have a middle school brother, Patrik. Unfortunately, we live in a sublet because my illness has so far consumed all of my parents' money, so a home of our own is an unattainable dream for us, but now I don't know what awaits us?
That is why I would like you to help contribute to my parents' daily needs. We have never asked for any kind of help, but unfortunately we need it now‼️

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€0 أثارت من €1600