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Kaldereta Recipe

Estimated cooking time: 1 1/2 to 2 hours

Beef Kaldereta Ingredients:
1 kilo beef, cut into chunks

1 big can (350g) liver spread or ground liver

5 onions, minced

5 cloves garlic, minced

6 tomatoes, sliced

1 cup tomato sauce

3 green peppers, diced

3 red peppers, diced

4 pieces hot chilli peppers, minced

3/4 cup grated cheese

2 cups beef stock or water

1/4 cup cooking or olive oil

Kaldereta Cooking Instructions:
In a casserole, sauté: garlic and onions in oil. Then add tomatoes, red & green pepper and chilli peppers.

Add in the beef, tomato sauce, liver spread and water or stock. Salt to taste and let simmer for at least 1 hour or until the beef is tender.

Add cheese and olives (optional) and continue to simmer until the sauce thickens.

Serve with plain rice.

Cooking Tips:
Instead of beef, goat's meat (kambing) can be used. If goat's meat is used, marinate the meat in vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper for at least 15 minutes.

For a special kaldereta, do not use water or beef stock. Use an equivalent weight of onions to the beef (1 kg of onions : 1 kg of beef). The onions will serve as water to the dish.

To avoid rice getting spoiled, add a spoon of white vinegar for every 3 cups of uncooked rice before cooking.