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"By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come."
Hebrews 11:20 KJV
To all fathers(Daddies) on this platform, here are two Bible tips for blessing your children and grandchildren: (1) The power of prayer. In scripture, a father's blessing included an open-eyed prayer to God for his children. Isaac, who was a farmer, said to his son, " May God give you heaven's dews and earth's richness-an abundance of grain and new wine" (Genesis 27:28 NIV). Have your children ever heard you talk to God about them? Perhaps they have heard you say hash words like, "How could you be stupid? Don"t you ever think ? You will never amount to anything!" If so, apologize today and ask for their forgiveness. Let them hear you invoke God's richest blessing over each of their lives. A father's prayer of blessing over his family is a powerful thing-it's life changing! (2) The vision of a colorful/glorious future. The Bible says, "Where there's no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 19:18). School counselors tell us that many of their students lack vision. Why? Because they see nothing ahead for them except economic gloom, unemploment, and hard times. No vision! They need somebody to believe in them and their future...to believe they can succeed and live happy lives...that their best is yet to come. Isaac prayed openly for future success of his children, their rise to prominence, and for glory and favour with man and society. Your children don't need you to manipulate them; they need you to motivate them, there is a seed of greatness in them which need to be activated. And you do that by blessing them! i join my faith with your faith, your children and my children are blessed, they will do well and they shall be very very great in Jesus name! If you believe say amen.